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Tales of the poor and the unemployed April 21, 2011

Posted by invisiblemadness in Job hunt, Unemployment.
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Originally written: January 27, 2011

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore;
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
– Emma Lazarus, “New Colossus”

Over a month into this unemployment and nothing has happened in my life. I have not applied for any jobs, have not learned any new skills nor nurtured old hobbies, and I am waaaaay behind my study schedule. I would like to say I have wasted time. But quite adamant to really do, as the time I gave myself “rest” could not truly had been a complete waste? I have had days of vegging out, as well as consecutive days of working out. There had been days when I’ve possibly read all the featured news on my Yahoo front page (including comments), New York Times, and my country’s local broad sheet; and days when I’ve sat on the sofa watching TV for about 4 hours a day. (Four hours/day is a lot, considering that when I was still in school and when I was working, there had been many days when I don’t even turn on the TV.) I have had the satisfaction to “google” everything I’ve ever wanted in life. No, I do not have a list of these things, but it was more of a “one thing leads to another” situation (say I’ve read something about Korea, then I would “google” Korea and other things or people who have struck my fleeting interests for the day.)

I do feel quite guilty of the time I have wasted, yet I console myself that such time was necessary. At least now I know that once I am gainfully employed, I have comforting moments of vegging out to look back to. My life has slowed, but didn’t stand still. I am gradually getting excited at all the possibilities, yet terrified of the challenges a job search entails. The dismal economy offers little hope, worse, the immigration component of my situation adds another hurdle. Without wanting to be trite, I say, “Oh Lady Liberty, I am one of those tired and poor. Please shine your light on me and let me through your golden door!”


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